1RM- 1 repetition maximum
3RM - 3 repetition maximum
5RM - 5 repetition maximum
Rep - repetition
PC - posterior chain
PR - personal record
TUT - time under tension
Superset - 2 exercises back to back
Triset - 3 exercises back to back
Giantset - 4 exercises back to back
BMR - basic metabolic rate
e/s - each side
SA - single arm
SL - single leg
RPE - rate of perceived exertion
DOMS - delayed onset muscle soreness
ROM - range of motion
Eccentric phase - lengthening of muscle
Concentric - shortening of muscle
Isometric - muscle at constant length
Set - number of cycles of reps
BB - barbell
DB - dumbbell
KB - kettlebell
AMRAP - as many reps/ rounds as possible
EMOM - every minute on the minute
TDEE - total daily energy expenditure
RDL - Romanian deadlift
BSS - Bulgarian split squat
Like if there was one on the list that you didn’t know!